Friday, January 13, 2006

I've Been Tagged!

I actually have already done this, but I'll repost some of my answers in case there are new readers. Here is how it goes:

The first player of the game starts with the topic, "5 weird habits about yourself". People who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits, as well as state this rule clearly. In the end you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged, and link to their web-journals. Don't forget to leave a comment in their blog/journal that says "you have been tagged" and tell them to read yours.

- I love inappropriate music. The nastier the lyrics, the better. I am one of those people that supports the artists' original vision, no matter how raunchy. I can do without the corny blank spaces and bleeps and such. I'm grown, and I can handle it.

- I talk to myself...a lot. I sometimes have to catch myself on the train so people won't think I'm crazy. Also, so I won't attract other crazies. I was once told that talking to yourself is a sign of intelligence...

- When I was little, I used to eat butter! And mayonnaise, and icing, and anything that is not supposed to be eaten without the support of other food. I still can be found with my finger in a tub of icing, cookie dough, and caramel sauce.

- I have a wide knowledge of television theme songs. I mean, I can sing every lyric too, not just hum the tune. I used to do them for show and tell at school; a different one every Friday. And when I got tired of that, I memorized commercials and recited them word for word.

- I have OCD when it comes to my bed covers. I cannot STAND messy bedcovers, I don't care what went down. I have serious issues when folks tangle themselves up in sheets and comforters. Drives me nuts.

Alrighty, kel, DivineLadi, JMama, TheChosenOne, and've been tagged! Don't worry, if you don't get to this post, I'll remind you. Can't to read it!


At 8:22 PM, Blogger Tony J. said...

DQ!!!! i can totally see you standing in front of your class singing the theme song to "Punkie Brewster." SUCH adorableness! I can't wait to do my meme...gotta figure out which crazy things to reveal...that won't scare away any potential husbands and what not. :)

and even though i've known about that damned butter thing for still makes my flesh crawl! ew! butter is not an acceptable snack. i'm sooooooooooooo mad at your mama for letting you do that! she needs her hand popped. :)

At 1:34 AM, Blogger DramaQueen said...

My favorite ones were Jem and Ducktales. These are things my future husband must know! And it was the Country Crock kind, not just right off the block! And Mom didn't know - I would sneak and do it!


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