Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Left-Brainer's Lament

Hello, my name is DramaQueen, and I am left-brained. Well, mostly left-brained. Experts say that there are people that mostly think with the left side of their brains, and some the right. The right side is supposedly the logical side, and the left side is the emotional side.

I have found myself to be mostly a left-brained thinker. It's a gift and a curse.

It's a gift because I easily feel compassion and empathy, and I am always aware of how I feel. I can rarely accurately put my thoughts into words, but the times I am able to do so, I am most likely explaining the way I feel about something. It's a curse because to people who don't know me, it makes me appear naive, dumb, overly-emotional, and it makes people take my kindness for weakness.

The left side of my brain kept me away from my beloved blog for about a month. I am fully aware that people have the right to post their views and opinions in Blog World - it's a free space, and you can't get in trouble for thinking a certain way. But the comments left on my recent blog before this one left me...well, offended. I felt personally attacked and my feelings were hurt. I had to pause.

It took me a month to realize that, if this person can write whatever they feel like writing in this free space, then so can I. One person's opinion should not send me running away from Blog World, with my precious thoughts packed up in my briefcase. I knew that those accusations weren't even true. If I had been thinking with the right side of my brain, I would have known earlier that the logical thing to do would be to acknowledge the person's opinion, disagree, and keep it moving.

So consider this post the beginning of me waking up the right side of my brain and keeping it moving.

But just because the right side of my brain is alert and motivated doesn't mean that the left side of my brain is being put to sleep. Balance is essential. Look out, Blog World.

Speaking from my therapists' couch...directly to my over-protective friends...

DramaQueen is back. How ya like that? ;o)


At 8:45 AM, Blogger TheChosenOne said...

THAT'S RIGHT!! Don't apologize for having those traits and for being who God made you!!! Actually, I never knew that about the left side of the brain!!! I too, am faced with those qualities that I appreciate about myself, but come across as naive, extremely emotional (called a cry-baby by some) and indecisive. The kindness for weakness is another one that I feel, like you said, is a gift and a curse. There is nothing wrong with emotions!! What we have to remember is there should be a balance to everything! Without the ones who feel compassion more than others, what kind of place would the world be? I am learning not to apologize for who I am. I am glad you are posting again!!! Do not let these losers piss you off.

At 4:56 PM, Blogger Max said...


I was starting to worry that you were going to let the random assholes of the world run you.

Welcome back! I've missed you.


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