Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Home for the Holidays

A quick recap of my holiday vacation extravaganza:

I did most of my gifting the homemade and internet route, so not too much last minute shopping. Yay. I did pick out my mom's gift from my dad, and much to all of our surprise, she actually liked it and for the first time in years, won't be taking it back. Double Yay.

I've only been here for a week and have already been to IHOP twice. Next week will be Waffle House, and first week back in NY - Chez Diet.

My gifts were spectacular to say the least, and this year, they will all fit into my luggage!

Went down to my grandmother's farm for the Annual Family Gathering. Always a blast. Shitload of food. And no one looking at you funny when you get seconds or thirds - in fact; it's damn near a requirement. For out little Christmas program, my little cousins only played us half of their Christmas concert material with their little instruments, and as a bonus encore, my quiet little cousin blew out an instrumental version of (my favorite Southern anthem at the moment) "Laffy Taffy" on her flute. It was f-ing classic. Then my littlest cousin, after singing the usual boring Christmas carols, sang us a chorus of "My Name Is Charlie" from Charlie Wilson. Imagine a six-year-old singing about getting that number so he can take you out sometime. And I have it on video! On top of that, he gave me a beautiful picture of Spongebob Squarepants to put on my fridge.

My mother did not find some way to embarass like she normally does. And my family has FINALLY realized that I am too old to stand up in front of them and sing on demand.

No fights over where folks were gonna sleep, and there is a new generation of young 'uns for clean-up duty. And, no lie, my granny bought me a teddy for Christmas. Not a bear, but actual lingerie. I kid you not.

Woke up to a good old-fashioned country breakfast, which included a bowl of butter with a few grits sprinkled in, pan-fried pork sausage, eggs made in the same skillet as the sausage, and fresh coffee brewed on the stove, because my grandmother has never operated a coffee-maker in her life. God bless her.

Went outside and took a few pictures with the cows and the beautiful backdrop that is my granny's backyard. Went to go see my 90-year-old great-grandmother (Big Momma is what we call her) and had a conversation with her. She is still as sharp as a tack. My other grandmother did not have nearly as many ailments as she usually has (Somtimes I'm tempted to ask her what's right instead of what's wrong - shorter list.) Spent some time with my biological father and actually didn't want to roll my eyes and walk away from him once. He actually gave me a present this year. It was used, but it's a start.

And now I'm chillin'. Spending time with the family. Getting in touch with old friends.

Just like Beyonce', Queen Latifah and dem on the Wal-Mart commercials, I love being home for the holidays.


At 9:05 PM, Blogger Max said...

I'm slobbering over all those good eats I know you had. If our trip in the summer was any indication, the food was off tha damn hook!

I'm glad that the trip is what the dr ordered. Isn't great when folk realize you are grown and what flew before doesn't fly now?

At 8:01 AM, Blogger TheChosenOne said...

NOT LAFFY TAFFY ON THE FLUTE!!!! HAHA!!! That is classic. Sounds like fun was had by all. No family fights? That is how mine always ends up. Someone storms out in a rage usually knocking my grandmother's trinkets on the windowsill to the carpeted floor. Then we talk about that person and they come back in and we move on (just kidding). But your little cousin singing the Charlie Wilson song was so cute!! Kids are versatile that way, and I think that it is hilarious. The food sounds off the chain, and sounds like Christmas was a good time!!

At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you had a good time away from the city life. Yeah you though I was not reading your blog! I am :) I had fun in Toledo really just relaxed like (Thunder) said just chillin in night clothes until the next evening. It was great. Christmas dinner was classic. Every year sombody does something- this year my cousin tripped over her moms foot and hit her head full force on the table with all the food- why was everybody like oh no the food. Poor baby we were so scared she was going to fall asleep after such a hard hit. Another year my moms couch broke after too many people sat on it... she was so hurt. Its always something. as soon as I get some ear phones I am going to listen to the Charlie Wilson email. We can only critique and listen to Tide and Olay commercials without getting a dirty look here at the work place. Back to the grind....Talk Later


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