Friday, December 09, 2005


Ok, so after about twenty blogs complaining about the guys I meet, I finally met a ncie one.

And I'm not interested.

I know, I know. Never satisfied. But let me tell you how it went down.

I was in the nail salon, and he was next to me getting a manicure. (don't worry, he got them buffed, no polish - I checked.) We started up a conversation, and I enjoyed talking to him. No sparks or fireworks, just good conversation. He asked for my number, I gave it to him, blah blah blah, fast-forward to the date.

He shows up at my door with a bottle of wine (not too cheap, not too expensive), which was a very nice gesture. As we walked to our destination, he made sure to walk on the outside of the sidewalk, held my arm as I stepped over a pothole, etc. This guy pulled out all the stops.

We sat down to dinner, and the next thing I know, a couple of hours had passed, and I was still the only one talking. I started getting a bit paranoid about being self-absorbed.

ME: Am I talking too much?

HIM: No, no! I like hearing you talk. Please continue.

So I did. Then I got tired of hearing myself talk. He didn't. Then it hit me: sheer and utter boredom. This guy was so nice, bless his heart, but he was boring me to tears. I knew enough about him, it's not like he didn't talk at all, but the conversation was He didn't make me laugh, he didn't make me react at all. We were just talking. I could talk to some random stranger in line at the grocery store and feel the same way I felt talking to him.

So now I'm torn between the He Deserves A Chance Second Date, and Complete Avoidance. There was nothing wrong with him, so why not go for the second date, right? Maybe he gets funnier and more charismatic over time. But I keep thinking of other things I have to do in order to get out of it. So basically, subconsciously, I don't want to go on a second date.

If I were to ask a question right now, I probably have already answered it. See, I'm getting better about that.

So I guess I'm just not that into him. Not his fault. Not my fault. It is just not gonna happen. Now for the fun part.

Letting him know I'm not interested. And for bonus points, not apologizing for it. *sigh*

To be continued...


At 10:18 AM, Blogger Max said...

Hey man, it is what it is. Just let him know and move on with life. I you don't like him you are more apt to be callous with his feelings.

Cut him loose and then next!

At 7:50 AM, Blogger TheChosenOne said...

I don't think that you should feel bad about him not doing it for you. It happens. Unfortunately sometimes (most of the time) it is the nice guy, but what can you do? My paraniod butt would have been like, "why aren't you talking?" Say SOMETHING BROTHA!!!! But don't settle for anything less than fireworks in my opinion. When it is right, it will be a combination of all things that you find attractive!!! I could be living in a fantasy world, but I am going to hold on to that....

Lova YA!!


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