Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Who You Wit?

God determines who walks into your life....it's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay,and who you refuse to let go."- Anonymous

I saw this quote somewhere else today, and it really made me think. I often think about how people are placed in my life for a reason...

but I never think about me being placed in anyone's life for a reason. Sounds simple enough...but alas and alack...it is not.

How do you know? Sometimes I look at people around me, at how I treat them, how they treat me, how they behave...and I look heaven-ward and ask...really Lord? WHY?? If nothing else, it is my desire to fulfill God's purpose in life for me...so if this person is supposed to be here...so be it.

But what is my purpose in other people's life? Am I supposed to be teaching lessons? Setting examples? Being a friend, being a shoulder...and most importantly...

what happens if I fail?

It's one thing to muck up my life...it's something else to not do right by someone else's. Lord knows I've let some people stay when they should have been exiled from my life, and let some people go that maybe deserved a second (or third...or fourth) chance.

God's greatest gift to us is Free Will...and patience is a virtue...and guidance is divine.


At 10:34 AM, Blogger make it real said...

good questions, dramaqueen. i often wonder if people want you in their lives. i wonder if people often have an agenda and they KNOW how long thy want you in their lives. it can be too much to think about and overwhelming.
i want to know why people it has to be that people are in our lives for a season, reason, or lifetime? how come it can't just be? too much....


At 10:55 PM, Blogger Ambz said...

girl you are deep.

I think it is complicated yet simple as well.

You affect negatively and/or positively on everyone you come into contact with. That Effect can materialize into tangible actions or involuntary actions by said people...sooner.. later or both.

we are powerful, and acknowledging that we are, and that God is even more powerful than US, is when clarity comes, i believe.

At 9:16 PM, Blogger TheChosenOne said...

You really took it there with that one - that is so true!! I always question why certain people are in my life - but God knows all and sees all - he knows what the outcome should be. I am STILL working on getting those that are not deserving OUT of my life!! I miss you girl!! Can't wait for your visit!! :)

At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

DQ! What's going on?! It's been two months!


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