Thursday, September 08, 2005

Matchmaker - SEI 102

I went to church this past Sunday and got wind that the Reverend of the church was young, handsome, and single. Immediately my mind went, which one of my friends could I tell about him? Who needs a nice preacher man?

I was at an audition this week, and ran into this guy that I see all the time at my auditions. He is adorable, with a great, charismatic personality. He ended up leaving before I did, and I sat there thinking how nice he was and how great he must be with his girlfriend. Then I thought, maybe he doesn't have a girlfriend - my friend So and So would probably hit it off with him wonderfully.

Why is it that everytime I meet a great man, I alwyas want to hook him up with my friends?

A friend and mentor of mine brought this up to me one day, and it really made me think. I never really think of myself as an option unless he overtly hits on me. Why??? I love my friends and want nothing for them but happiness, but why not look out for my own first?

**turning on analytical mind**

Maybe deep down, I, for some odd reason, don't think I am worthy of anything less than a complete dirtbag who doesn't respect me. But I am confident, and I think I'm fly, remember?

Just not fly enough for an equally fly man. Hmph. And I thought I was making progress.

I know the rules of Life, or one of them anyway: once you become aware of the problem, you are from that point forward held accountable for it. That is why I called this entry Matchmaker - Self Image Issues 102 (the last entry was the Intro class). The next time I see a fly man with great qualities, even if I don't actually do anything, I will not, I repeat, WILL NOT rule myself out as a possibility.

I mean, I don't have to worry about some chick taking my man; I'm giving them away by the dozens!

Not anymore. Today is the day that I proclaim that the phrase "out of my league" is out of my feel me?

Class dismissed.


At 12:33 PM, Blogger Max said...

It's bout time. Hello Flygirl, goodbye BlessingBlocker.

At 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, teacher!!! I like your class already. I can't wait for the next class discussion. Do you have a copy of a syllabus?!!!!! I have a couple of friends I'd like to sign up for it.


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