Thursday, September 01, 2005

I Should Have Worn Fishnets...

Ok, so I haven't blogged in a while. To those of you who actually read my blog, I am sorry!
I got a major run in my pantyhose of life. Lucky for me, a run in your pantyhose ain't the end of the world. Hair spray doesn't work, clear nail polish doesn't work, and my run is starting to look more like a highway.

But it's ok. Pretty soon, I'll be able to buy a new pair - nylon ones. More durable. You get me?

I really like to write in metaphors, in case you haven't noticed. ;o)

Seriously, when you hit a snag in life, you may try all kinds of quick fix-ups to cover the snag for the moment. But until you can make a major, valuable change, you won't improve the quality of your life. I learned that the hard way.

Correction - I'm learning that the hard way.

Because when you fix a run in pantyhose, you're not really fixing it, you're just stopping it from "running" some more. So how do you fix the run that is already there?

Turn your pantyhose around, walk forward, and don't worry about what people behind you are saying. Now that is good advice!

**Please say a quick prayer for the people in New Orleans. I can complain on my blog all I want, but it could always be worse.

I've got some great things to discuss, and I've had plenty of time to present them cleverly, so stay tuned...


At 10:12 AM, Blogger Max said...

BK in the hizzay! Took you long enuff man! Moving is no excuse to slack on the bloggin. I feel you on the fishnets.

I'm getting some nylons myself.

At 4:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's the snag? are you going to tell us what you are learning? i feel cheated. come on because i need to know what's going on with you. i've been checking your blog for the last couple of days and when you didn't have anything there, i started wondering: what's going on with drama queen? i mean, people live in and for your drama. hell, i live in and for your drama. keeps the attention from my/their own.

At 4:37 AM, Blogger DramaQueen said...

the snag! Sometimes there is stuff going that you just can't write about for all of Cyberworld to read! But I promise, I'll get back on the ball with my blogging. Hell, I missed my own drama! :o)


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