Monday, August 15, 2005

Comfort Food

I have recently discovered that more than anything in this world, nothing can make me feel more comforted I eat when I'm upset, bored, happy, sad, sick, etc. Food is so versatile.

When I'm pissed, I eat something sweet to neutralize my anger. The taste of sugar makes me smile automatically. Something quick and sweet normally does the trick.

When I'm bored, I'll eat something fun that takes a little bit of concentration, like Oreos with milk (you dunk them too long they will be too soggy, but if you don't dunk them long enough, it doesn't taste right and is just messy), or something that makes you anticipate, like a Blow-Pop or an ice cream cone (two treats in one - brilliant), or food that forces you to multi-task, like Lucky Charms (do you always want marshmallows and horseshoes in one spoonful?) or Alpha-Bits (I always only end up spelling like three words per bowl). Boredom can also bring on food challenges, can I endure the heat of a bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos? or can I wrap my mind around the complexity of an odd combo, like tuna salad with Tostitos.

When I'm happy, I'll eat something that feels good in my mouth and is tasy (translation: SWEET). The physical formation of my mouth eases into a smile when custard-style yogurt folds onto my tongue. Or the excitement of pushing my tongue through creamy ice cream to identify, taste and swallow whatever was hiding throughout the ice cream. The burst of the sweet and tangy from plums and raspberries is good too, in case I want to attempt to be healthy (which is rare). Dove or Lindt chocholate is always silky smooth, like each bite is kissing me back, and the crackling rice covered in chocholate of Nestle Crunch always makes me excited.

When I'm sad, I will eat as much and as horribly as I possibly can. It's like I wrap myself in a blanket of cake icing and cry into a bowl full of raw cookie dough, each chocolate chip representing a tear. Then I take a large wooden spoon, cover it with peanut butter, and dunk out my frustrations into a pound bag of plain M&M's.

And when I am not feeling well, the grainy texture of moistened and swallowed saltine crackers followed by the jetstream of club soda always eases and relaxes my tight and upset stomach.

For some odd reason, when I eat green, crispy sour apples, it makes me feel like my teeth are clean. Go figure.

I know people say it is bad to turn to food for comfort, but I will say this. Food has the ability to make you feel warm, full, calm, and good all over, whatever your vice. It will hardly ever disappoint you, especially if you know exactly what it is you want. There always seems to be a way, with food, that you can have your cake and eat it too.

Kind of brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "comfort food", doesn't it?


At 5:02 PM, Blogger Max said...

*Throwin down on a Twix* Cosign!

At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with eating food, but you have to try not to use it as a comfort food. That's when you start to gain wait and get depressed so you eat some more. Using food for comfort can develop into an eating disorder (binge), and that is not a good thing. I knew someone that used foood for comfort for years and now she is fighting to lose weight, 'cause she is pushing 300+ pounds. This girl used to be the same size as me! The years can catch up to you. So, I say, whenyour mad, yell! When you're bored read or go for a walk! When you're sad, cry! and when your happy share your joy with others! When I have a cold, I do it saltine crackers, so I'm going to leave that one alone.
Why do I always have to be the party pooper :-(!


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