Monday, August 01, 2005

The Great Escape

To all you future male plotters of The Great Escape...

The Great Escape: n. also known as The Disappearing Act; generally carried out by T.A.N.'s**; an act that is conistently carried out by the aforementioned man; usually after a child has entered the picture, but not neccessarily; particularly when specific responsiblities arise that may inconvenience him in any way. This could be days, weeks, months, or years in effect.

The Great Escape is an unfortunate event. It never affects the escapee, but almost always hurts the people that immediately surround him.

I have decided to include a few excerpts for the upcoming book The Manual:

If you were smart enough to know what to do to make a baby, then you should be smart enough to know how to help take care of it. There actually is a such things as a paternal instinct, whether you choose to ignore it or not.

Just because it didn't come out of you, doesn't mean you don't have anything to do with it.

Questioning whether or not it is really yours will only buy you a little time, and piss the Mommy off. After the tests are back and your time up, guess what. Mommy's still pissed. But don't worry. She will most likely attack your wallet and not you. You can run, but your bank account cannot. The courts will see to that.

You may not think it matters to a child whether or not you are present in his or her life, but it does. Once a child is introduced to it's parents, even if it is just a picture, it never forgets. Even when you try to forget about them, they will never forget about you.

Even if your baby's momma is Oprah, do your part. It is the thought that counts.

A child is not a Playstation; you cannot only play with it when it is new, and then forget about it when the novelty wears off.

Know and understand that after the conception, you will never, ever have done as much work as Mommy has, so don't take that for granted.

To quote India.Arie..."nothing in this world exists without it's opposite; there has to be a sun and a moon; a man and a woman; and that's just the way it is." You don't see the sun and moon fighting about when to shine; they split the 24 hours equally. Something to think about...

**Triflin' Ass Negroes


At 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On point! T.N.A.'s don't seem to realize that the quality of time that yiu spend with a child is what matters the most. Not the toys you buy, not the clothes, nor the anything else that you buy. When a child thinks back to part of his/her life it's not going to be "remember that daddy bought me..." It's going to be "remember when daddy and I went/did/played..." Reality Check men! Be more then a sperm a daddy.

At 2:53 PM, Blogger Max said...

2 Snaps up in a circle to that post!

At 7:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well stated. Thank you.

At 11:11 PM, Blogger B-Nice said...

It is so sad that T.A.N.s seem to outnumber real men today. When I hear the drama that my friends have gone through with their own S.D.s and their Baby's Daddies, I realized I am blessed in that if I can say nothing else I can say my dad was there setting an example for me to know what I wanted in a man. He wasn't and still isn't the most communicative, but he worked everyday, was not abusive and to this day has every picture I have ever taken in a really big wallet. And he can be proud to pull them out because he was around and actively in my life when I took them. Don't give up, every man is not a T.A.N.


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