Wednesday, September 14, 2005

It's Meme Time!

Ok, so this meme got passed on to me by my best friend, and she knows I love these.

By the way, how do you pronounce 'meme'?

Anyway, here it is:

Ten years ago: It was 1995; probably the best year of my high school life. I had my first boyfriend, and he treated me like a queen. We didn't go out much, cuz he was always grounded! That was also the year my mother finally allowed me to wear acrylic tips on my nails, and I got them airbrushed! I was in three shows, and leads in all of them. However, my self-esteem was at it's lowest, so it is only now that I am able to see what a great time I had.

Five years ago: It was 2000 and I was in my sophomore year in college. I had my first apartment that year, and I loved it. My circle of friends had been established. I wrote my first one-woman show this year and performed it in a small classroom. It was packed!

One year ago: I had just started doing voice-overs, and was bartending. Next month, a year ago, I was on All My Children.

Five snacks:
-Golden Oreos (they are addictive)
-tortilla chips and salsa (I keep some in my house at all times; you never know when you'll have company!)
-brownies (Don't even have to be homemade)
-Reese Cup's FASTBREAK candy bars (ditto, Kell, these are the BEST)
-cookie dough (slightly melted in the microwave - mmmmm...)

Five songs I know all the words to:
- "Ice, Ice Baby" by Vanilla Ice
- "Bonita Applebum" by Tribe Called Quest
- "A Long Walk" by Jill Scott
- "Tell Me" by Groove Theory
- just about every television theme song between the 80's and the early 90's

Five things I would do with $100 million:
- pay off all of my debt - HALLELUJAH!!!
- give money to my family and some of my friends.
- travel and take a real vacation
- buy a brownstone and trick it out.
- buy a lot of gadgets, music, books, clothes, and shoes.

Five places to run away to:
-My bedroom
- my house in ATL
- my Grandma's farm
- a terrace overlooking something nice (just not water)
- Cincinnati (that is where all my friends are, and it was my home for 4 years)

Five things I would never wear:
-biking shorts
-anything yellow
-a bikini
-rollers in public (pet peeve)
-a fur coat

Five favorite TV Shows:
-A Different World
-Living Single
-Big Brother 6
-The Cosby Show
-Thirty-minute meals with Rachel Ray

Five biggest joys:
-feedback on my blog!
-cooking while listening to my music on blast
-a great love story
-being pampered
-SEX (last but certainly not least)

Five favorite toys:
-my blender (for cooking, folks)
-my iPod
-my laptop
-my DVR box
-my ((ahem)) toys that are NOT for cooking. ;o)

Five people to pass this on to:

Ok, you've been tagged people! Let's get to it!


At 10:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey torie!!
thanks for filling it out. what toys aren't used for cooking? didn't get it...
i have a feeling that ypur blog will be a book one day. hmm....


At 4:14 AM, Blogger DramaQueen said...

you know exactly what toys I'm talking about, quit playing! Dag!

At 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wasn't tagged and don't really know who to tag, but I think I'll do this anyway.

At 4:20 PM, Blogger HealthyHappyHoney said...

ok, mama, i finally have been catching up on blogs and i am going to do this meme tonight!


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